Facebook Select All

It is "honor-ware", which means that we trust each other to be nice:
  • You pay what you can afford for Facebook Select All. I let you choose the price.
  • I'll send you a thank you note for paying -- and more, if you pay more.
Please pay as much as you can. We are thankful for using this extension. I guess we'll find out :)

What do you think?

Did you get a chance to see how Facebook Select All works? I hope you think it's great! :) If you need more time to try it out, I can wait another hour and ask you then.
Remember, Facebook Select All is "honor-ware". You don't have to pay, but I ask that you pay what you can afford, with no enforcement except the honor system. We're trusting you. In fact, I quit my job to work on Facebook Select All, so we're trusting you a lot.
Slide the slider to whatever amount you choose. Please pay as much as you can!
Slide the slider to the right to see how I'll thank you.
How I'll thank you: I'll send you a thank-you note from the bottom of my heart. ... about whatever you want like youtube views, likes. ... and I'll mail you up to say thank you personally. ... and I'll provide you the 250+ youtube views on your youtube views. ... and I'll create a logo for your company or personal use... .

Way To Pay:

Facebook Select All

Thank you!
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- Powered By - Softarea World -

Facebook Group Invite All

It is "honor-ware", which means that we trust each other to be nice:
  • You pay what you can afford for Facebook Group Invite All. I let you choose the price.
  • I'll send you a thank you note for paying -- and more, if you pay more.
Please pay as much as you can. We are thankful for using this extension. I guess we'll find out :)

What do you think?

Did you get a chance to see how Facebook Group Invite All works? I hope you think it's great! :) If you need more time to try it out, I can wait another hour and ask you then.
Remember, Facebook Group Invite All is "honor-ware". You don't have to pay, but I ask that you pay what you can afford, with no enforcement except the honor system. We're trusting you. In fact, I quit my job to work on Facebook Group Invite All, so we're trusting you a lot.
Slide the slider to whatever amount you choose. Please pay as much as you can!
Slide the slider to the right to see how I'll thank you.
How I'll thank you: I'll send you a thank-you note from the bottom of my heart. ... about whatever you want like youtube views, likes. ... and I'll mail you up to say thank you personally. ... and I'll provide you the 250+ youtube views on your youtube views. ... and I'll create a logo for your company or personal use... .

Way To Pay:

Facebook Group Invite All

Thank you!
Do you like Facebook Group Invite All?
Please leave a 5 Star Rating!
- Powered By - Softarea World -

Softarea World

Softarea.in is the blog site which are maintained by student of IT to earn some money:
  • You pay what you can afford for Softarea.in, I let you choose the price.
  • I'll send you a thank you note for paying -- and more, if you pay more.

I do my job to work on Softarea.in and also for collecting my collage fees.
Please pay as much as you can. We are thankful for using this extensions. I guess we'll find out :)
Slide the slider to the right to see how I'll thank you.
How I'll thank you: I'll send you a thank-you note from the bottom of my heart. ... about whatever you want like youtube views, likes. ... and I'll mail you up to say thank you personally. ... and I'll provide you the 250+ youtube views on your youtube views. ... and I'll create a logo for your company or personal use... .

Way To Pay:

Thank you!